Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Satyamev Jayate: Does Healthcare need healing?

Satyamev Jayate: Does Healthcare need healing?

 I watched this episode of the show only yesterday. Prior to that, I had read many well-written paragraphs by some of us and shared a zillion times by others so that as I scrolled my news feed I was amazed at the uniformity of the updates. Most of my facebook friends are medicos and the show had affected almost all of them.

About the show itself, nobody would deny that the concerns expressed were genuine but the presentation surely could not be more flawed. It seemed like the host was fighting a self-proclaimed noble battle against an unruly army of demons!
Any human being would be moved by the stories that were told and it generates the utmost sorrow when empathizing with the sufferers.
It was indeed droll generosity on the part of the producers of the show to have suggested us things that we ought not to do and their absolute trust in our ignorance of the same for all these years!
If it was designed to be a moral science class for us to affect us emotionally, I would little deprecate the effort on the part of the supposedly very much concerned showmen to have taken up the enormous conscientious responsibility of revisiting our ethical obligations and trying to galvanize us into doing so many things that we are purportedly hesitating from doing instead of indulging in the enlisted myriad all-pervading malpractices discovered by their exhaustive research work!
Surely, the attempt to dramatize and negatively affect the general public against doctors does more harm than good to the society under the garb of spreading awareness. The show could have done excellently if only plain facts about medical malpractices were highlighted instead of degenerating into theatrics to encourage the public into questioning and doubting every Indian doctor. Lost in their perceived success in unmasking the villainy of the medical community as a whole is the message that could have been honestly delivered to us to practise the noble profession in a noble manner because the show bred resentment in us and mistrust in the public and that was the grand failure of the show itself!

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