Thursday, January 5, 2012



Artwork: by Dr. Krishanu Kakati

Rov woke up worn out with worriment and with a heavy heart that thumped with an unshakeable mysterious feeling which he tried to fathom attempting to bring back to mind all the frames of his unwelcome dream, and only moments ago he was watching from a distance, a particularly fair but pale, almost wraithlike, female form fall to her knees with both her hands tightly pressed against her face to hide wounded emotions she was unwilling to reveal, or maybe otherwise she was trying to prevent searing tears from falling on the carpet of snow she now lay on while Rov wondered if he recognized the visage he was not let to have a look at by the quivering hands and the growing mist slowly engulfing the wistful figure and the seamless horizon, until everything became a uniform evanescent white, except for the dull pink of the dress she wore; a restrained Rov still pondering on the little understood mysterious feeling without being able to reconcile with the vague hint of guilt which he could soak no more!

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