Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Unfair Affair


The best efforts have been made to keep the following narrative in the realms of fiction and should there be any transgression into anything in real life to anyone, it is to be regarded as remarkably co-incidental! 

There are two important characters in this story- Tom and Penelope! Their names appear oddly Hollywood-like by virtue of being changed hastily. The scene is set somewhere in a trauma centre. It is thus implicated that the two protagonists are medical folks. Tom is senior to Penelope. Only in this particular night, the two of them have duties together therein. The storyline requires that the lady intern be enthusiastic about learning practical work from the also mentioned surgery first year postgraduate trainee. One such task is the insertion of a chest tube and that becomes central to all that is going to be written about.
It is 10 PM when the Patient comes into the thick of things, brought in by four hustling attendants, one in each corner of his stretcher, where he lay down, absolutely miserable, somehow holding on to his life. When he is being carried along to the examination cubicle, he raises his head slightly to look at half a dozen doctors seated behind one big table and his imploring eyes stop with an earnest gaze at Penelope as if he comes to know, that very moment, that this lady will be his savior.
Tom does not observe any part of this because he has too many things at the back of his mind at that moment. On the other hand, Penelope becomes spontaneously aware of some strange feeling growing within her after she has eye contact with the moribund soul. She looks around at Tom to see if he shares the feeling that the patient has more chances of living than of dying. Tom merely raises his eyebrows, not in response to the question that was not put in words, but because he is wont to do so when words fail him. Penelope only understands that she has to follow Tom as he moves towards the Patient to examine him.
The Patient was at that moment restless, breathing with great difficulty and he looked too weak to fight for survival. The double impact by two bulls, one from front and one from back, to his chest, twelve hours ago caused him to be in this pitiable condition. Tom was murmuring technical terms to himself. “Absent breath sounds on the right side of the chest!” “Dull percussion note here”. “Hmmm! This is blood aspirated out”. “Hemopneumothorax!”. “Chest X ray shows that too!” He then turned to Penelope, “You need to put in a chest tube in the right side if this fellow has to breathe to live”.
Penelope: “But I have never put one”.
Tom just rubs his chin and thinks about a smile that he does not execute. He is positive about getting it done by her. In the next few minutes, he makes everything ready, all by himself. The kidney tray, the artery forceps, the needle holder, the suture material, the surgical blade, the local anesthetic, the betadine swabs, the dressing pads, the adhesive plaster, the scissors, the 32 F chest tube and the water-seal drainage bag with water filled to the initial level are all in place in double quick time.
Tom: “So, put it in now”.
Penelope does not hesitate at any time after that. As Tom kept on describing the steps, she did each of them as well as it could be done. The skin incision caused no pain to the Patient. He merely chanted “Allah!” a couple of times and then remained quietly reassured that “Madam is going to make it all right”.
She gently dissected the fasciae underneath and Tom could not help but be amazed at her skill of maintaining such meticulous tissue care. She demonstrated the musculature of the rib space and then made her way through it till it gave way in a matter of thirteen long minutes! A gush of blood spurted out as she punctured the pleura. She expectantly looked at Tom and only saw him vacantly staring at her hands. Both the gloved hands were totally covered in blood and along with the pool of blood that was steadily forming, drop by drop, underneath the dressing table, altogether presented a gory picture. In another second, when Tom looked at her, she just gravely shook her head intending to shake him off his thoughts; the ones that were in the back of his mind and had at that time come to forefront as well. This was because she needed further directions and Tom had stopped talking. Tom understood the growing rebuke. “Now put that tube in through the opening, tighten the U suture, close the remaining defect with mattress sutures, fix the tube, clamp the tube, cut the end, connect it to the drainage bag with the connector and release the clamp”
It took Penelope only eight more minutes to complete these eight swift steps! She remarked “Blood is in the bag. The swing is there. It is functioning well”
The sweat in her forehead was now slowly disappearing to leave a glow which could compare to that of her eyes that showed such great pleasure at the accomplishment of the task that Tom could feel equally satisfied about it. One affirmative nod from him said it all. And at the back of his mind, random noises all changed to a series of claps in applause.
The Patient reflexly coughed a couple of times to draw the attention of the two. Penelope, on one hand, was cheering within herself, intoxicated by the joy of success and Tom, on the other hand, was absorbed “in appreciating every frame of the dynamic change of expressions in her countenance, the movement of every fascicle of her facial muscles in creating those emotions, the dance of her eyebrows in synchrony with that of her eyes” and the whole thing looked very nice.
At 12 midnight, the inrush of patients had ceased. The half a dozen doctors were finally all seated together again, behind that big table. Tom took his seat beside Penelope. He had to muse upon the performance of the day and somehow convince Penelope to give him a treat for being a helping hand for all the joy that was an accompaniment with the “first time ever stuff”.
That singular process was proving much too difficult for him. It was his turn for a “first time ever stuff”.
Tom: “But I have never before asked you for one”.
Penelope rubs her chin and thinks of a smile and guffaws loud. In the next few minutes she is busy in disposing off every request from him for that treat, much unlike the way he laboured to gather things for her disposal earlier that night.
Penelope: “Tut! You will not get it from me at any time!”
Interrupted by hesitations, Tom kept on persevering to meet his end. He is one fellow who just hates to fail in his missions. Maybe Penelope was fully aware of this fact that she kept on saying “no” every time to the point of frustrating him to the end of his tether.
The unrelenting standpoint of Penelope was not understandable and required analysis. Tom began to wonder if it was simply for the sake of denial.
Saying “no” is so much more meaningful than saying “yes”, possibly because it leads on to so many more questions centering “why?”. The saying of “yes” raises no further questions. The former is an unfathomable phenomenon. The more you think of it, the deeper you enter until relevance may be lost of the original proposition. A “no” is never a simple “no”. Probably, it is preferable just for the sake of this. It coufounds! It is profound! It elevates the person’s importance in his or her own eyes.  A “yes” is only routine!
The sweat grows in his forehead with the solemn disappointment of having failed after trying so hard for as many times as to lose count. At 2AM, he gives up and rises to retire to the Doctor’s room to have a nap. As he leaves, he gives Penelope a wry smile.
            The events of the night set in motion the language processing domain in a hereto silent observer, Rov, who also happened to be doing duty in the same place. The usually inarticulate Rov suddenly transforms into his alter ego and begins to spin a web of words. In two hours, he has written a story about things that he felt were unjust due to their incompleteness and in doing so, he seeks to highlight the skewed balance of interactions suffered by Tom as rendered by fate. He calls it “The Unfair Affair

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Picture and the Song

The Picture and the Song

I gaze at a picture of yours,
For hours long until it nears 4 A.M.
My knowing stare at your pretty eyebrows
Is thus secured and I have a brain-jam!
Infinite thoughts throng and I am writing a song,
About teasing eyeballs twinkling along;
Impish charm exuding from each painted eye-lid,
Your innocence easing my mind much as I need.
And the feeling grows strong; mooning them too long,
Until beats are skipping; to my heart they belong.
Your puckish nose, straight and small as it is;
Holding the shades midway on its bridge;
It is over them that I behold the pixie-tease!
A soft shadow rests on your lips and Cupid’s bow;
I know the lip gloss and I see the glow;
The faint emboss of a kiss I won’t miss,
At loss of words but feelings only increase.
Enthralled by the look you throw while we listen to Bono,
His song’s so mellow with your vocal crossflow;
With movement of your pretty mouth replacing the winsome smile
The cherished day; the zooming drive, every unending mile!
Your cherubic cheeks full of little spheres of baby fat,
Beseech fondness and I am besotted;
With smitten tenderness in written sentiments,
Overwhelmed and overflowing and all this time looking
At the picture of yours, I am amazed still more,
With unfathomable fervor and still growing enamour!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


       The very moment that I get up late from bed in the morning, I am grappled with myriad emotions, that of anger at losing the hours after the alarm clock was turned off, of frustration because I had thought that I would replace that many hours of study lost by sleeping early, of self-pity due to the inability to change the routine, of fear as I see a mountain of books piled up on my study table and of unhappiness at having to reluctantly get up, after all, from inside the warmth of the quilt and the stress is almost asphyxiating in which condition I race to and fro to brush, bath and breakfast and my mind rehearses all the things that I have to do during the day which makes me increasingly feel the necessity for splitting myself into three to accomplish them all, but as the day progresses I find that the smothering emotions get mollified so much so that I settle for a mid-day slumber which becomes unduly long and it is dusk when I get up and the same emotions return with vengeance and soak me once more!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

To Dear Shopaholic

She moves like a squirrel scanning the shelves,
And I follow acquiring more ‘must haves’!
She stops and turns an umpteenth time,
She will shop till there is one last dime.
A zigzag course across the whole mall,
She turns once more to check if she eyed all.
She patiently tries one dress and another;
A costly confusion as she wants them together!
Still clutching the possessions she spots a handbag,
I sense positive impressions as she checks the tag.
The triumphant trolley acquires one more prize,
While her jolly eyes flash unbound joy with little disguise.
She next embraces a giant toy toad,
Sans traces of alarm about the overload;
But she turns down the cotton-stuffed bait,
In a distance she sees ear-rings wait.
And they are amazing when tried one by one,
I keep gazing till she selects none!
Nail polish, shampoos and body oils,
They were points gathered for all her toils.
How lost in time and totally unaware,
It was a tenth chime when she bagged chinaware;
Thus we make our way through the exit door,
But she looks over the shoulders, she wants more!
We are gone today but we will be back again,
Because my dear shopaholic just can’t abstain!